Have you ever been confused as to how a blog can be valuable to your business?
Do you want to start a blog for your company, but you’re struggling to determine why u should?
Have you ever wondered how much a blog could really influence the bottom line of your business?
We are regularly asked these questions by small to medium size enterprises who want to justify the time, effort and money blogs need to produce tangible results. It’s not hard to find arguments supporting the importance of blogging, but it can leave out important questions like how, and why. Starting a blog for your business requires a lot of attention and it’s a big commitment to make ‐ so is it worth it?
As professionals in the marketing industry we can see the difference a blog can make to a company’s bottom line, and we see it happen daily. It really can make a dramatic difference to your sales and leads, but if you’re still on the fence about whether or not this is a route you want to venture down, consider the four benefits below that a blog could have for your business.
The more articles you have on your blog, the more pages your website accrues. This means there are more pages that are able to be indexed by search engines and more pages that are able to appear for relevant searches. The more hooks you have in the water, the more likely you are going to get a bite
. According to Hubspot, businesses with blogs get 55% more traffic on average, and generate as many as 4 times as many leads.
There is no better way to establish yourself as an expert and authority of something, than to share your knowledge and experience on the topic. For example, if you own a bicycle store – share you experiences with different brands, types of bike, different parts that are available, great biking tracks you have found. Your customers will soon learn to come to your blog as a source of valuable information on the cycling industry. In turn, when they are looking to purchasing something bike related, they will turn to you as the expert to ensure they’re getting exactly what they need.
A study by Hubspot found that businesses that prioritize blogging as an important part of their business can experience a 13X increase in ROI, year after year. Every time you post on your blog you are creating a new opportunity to generate leads. And the way this works is really simple: Just add a lead-generating call-to-action to every blog post.
Search engines and people alike both love fresh content. If you keep your readers happy with fresh, interesting content on your blog, they will learn to consistently count on your blog as an informative hub to turn to. In turn, search engines will love you too as a great website to send their valuable searchers to, who are looking for similar articles.
You can slowly start incorporating related keyword phrases to help you expand your reach and target additional traffic. For example, if you sell shipping containers, you could start writing about tips on using a shipping container as storage, and so on.
It’s important to mention that every update you make to your website plays a massive role in its performance in search engines. An active blog, with frequent and engaging posts sends signals out that it’s alive – and this is a fundamental signal that tells search engines your site is worth ranking in its results. On the other hand, a static website without updates of any kind also sends powerful signals – but not good ones. Put simply, update your blog frequently and the search engines will love you.<?
These 4 reasons and more are why we strongly believe blogging is essential for anyone wanting to drive leads and conversions online. If you’d like to know more about starting a blog for your business, or want to get more out of your existing one, contact one of our SEO professionals today.
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